Heartbreaking statistics surround biodiversity in the United States and internationally. Dominique Naccarato will describe her first-hand experience studying Costa Rica’s pioneering ideas, policies, and community collaboration that address habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation in Costa Rica and beyond. The talk will be coupled with stunning photography of wildlife seen on her trip through Costa Rica in early January 2016, and explore common themes with local projects such as the Salida Trail Ecological Restoration Project (STERP).
The 2nd talk in this series will present new bio-acoustics findings by Western State Colorado University colleague Nell Jordan. Nell will expound on her vast bio-acoustics and soundscape experience, coupled with her field work in Costa Rica. Stay tuned for date and details for the 2nd talk.
Dominique is GARNA Program Coordinator and recently attended a field course on biological corridors in Costa Rica as her last class for the Masters in Environmental Management program at Western State Colorado University in Gunnison.
We ask that you pre-register online but if there is space, tickets will be available at the door (cash or check only please). The cost of the program is $5 for GARNA members, $7 for non-members. Online registration is available below via our secure, pay pal site. Please note: you do not need a pay pal account, only a credit card.
A confirmation of your registration will be emailed with additional information.
Many GARNA programs require a Liability Release Form be filled out each calendar year.
Your registration is secured upon receipt of payment, as long as there space is still available in a program. If you prefer not to register online (recommended), you may mail a check, made out to “GARNA” to the address below or stop by the office. Please include a note with the program you are registering for. Be aware, some programs sell out quickly, and we cannot confirm your spot with a mailed registration.
PO Box 1522
Salida CO 81201
Cancellation policy:
If we are notified of your need to cancel by 24 hours of program date, your program fee will be refunded except for a $3.00 administrative fee. No refunds within 24 hours or after the event (but most events are transferable). If minimum enrollment has not been met 2 days before program date, programs will be cancelled and we will refund the full amount.