Chaffee Green – Task Forces
Task Forces:
Long Range Planning: Richard Kenshalo (S), Gaye Jenkins (N)
Youth Initiatives: Karen Lundberg (N), Kathy Taylor (N)
Composting: Donna Maloney (N), Deborah F. (S)
Recycling: Wendy Hall & Joyce Machala (N); Karen L. & Michael Kunkel (S)
Single Use Reduce: Laurie Stiles (N), Karen L (S)
Community Engagement: Leads needed
GARNA liaison & spokesperson: Jacy. Second Liaison needed to also serve as a GARNA Board member.
Resources, support team, and affiliates:
Database Management: Karen Milligan
Membership and volunteer data: Linda K.
Website and database: Thomas Doumas & Karen M.
Renewable Energy: Sue Greiner
Energy efficiency: Chris Martin (& Tom F)
Marketing, creating flyers: Deborah F. & Cyndi R.
Sustainable Salida/PS: Lori Roberts
Legislation/advocacy: Cheryl Brown-Kovacic (S), Libby Faye (N), Ellen Marshall & Wendy Hall (N)
GARNA staff contacts: Dominique, Lizzy, Emily