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GARNA Book Club

Bookworms Unite

Deepen Your Connection Through Eco-Lit Discussions

Joining an earth-centered book club lets you explore environmental issues through diverse voices, fostering a deeper connection to nature and inspiring action through thought-provoking discussions.

Examining topics like road ecology, walking as a mindful practice, climate change, water management, and the wisdom of trees will broaden your perspective and empower you to be a better steward of the planet.

glasses on open book on grass

2024 Book Club Reads

July - Sept - Fireweather by John Vaillant (Meeting September)

April - June - Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes through Indigenous Science, by Jessica Hernandez (Meeting: July 15th)

Jan – Mar – Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet by Ben Goldfarb

2023 Book Club Reads

In 2023 we hosted a “Year to Walk” with the Salida Walking Club A Walking Life: Reclaiming Our Health and Our Freedom One Step at a Time by Antonia Malchik

52 Ways to Walk: The Surprising Science of Walking for Wellness and Joy, One Week at a Time by Annabel Streets

WALK – Slow Down, Wake Up and Connect at 1-3 Miles Per Hour by Jonathon Stalls.

Prior Year's Books

Book open on person's lap with the mountains in the backdrop
  • Under a White Sky by Elizabeth Kolbert
  • Where the Water Goes by David Owen
  • Trees and Other Witnesses by Kathy Taylor
  • Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • September 3 – River Notes: The Dance of
  • Herons by Barry Lopez.
    August 6 – Desert Notes:
  • Reflections in a Raven’s Eye by Barry Lopez. .
  • Tuesday, July 2 – The Nature Fix, by Florence Williams.
  • *Author Florence Williams will speak at GARNA’s Nurturing Nature Gala on July 7, taking place at the Barn at Sunset Ranch in Buena Vista.
  • Tuesday, June 4 – The Overstory, by Richard Powers.
  • July 3 – Don’t Even Think About It: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change, by George Marshall.  
  • June 5 – The Emerald Planet: How Plants Changed Earth’s History by David Beerling. 
  • May 1 – Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up by Daphne Miller. 
  • April 3 – Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future by Bill McKibben. 
  • March 6 – The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire That Saved America by Timothy Egan. 
  • February 6 – Locust: The Devastating Rise and Mysterious Disappearance of the Insect That Shaped the American Frontier, by Jeffrey A. Lockwood.  
  • January 9 – Wildness:  Relations of People and Place, edited by Gavin Van Horn and John Hausdoerffer. 
  • December – Arctic Dreams, By Barry Lopez. 
  • November – The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben. 
  • October – A Hole in the Wind: A Climate Scientist’s Bicycle Journey Across the United States, by David Goodrich. 
  • September  – The Soul of an Octopus; A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery. 
  • August  – The Thing with Feathers by Noah Strycker. 
  • July  – The Planet in a Pebble, by Jan Zalasiewicz.
  • June – Grass, Soil, Hope by Courtney White with a forward by Michael Pollan.
  • May  – Half Earth by E.O. Wilson.
  • April  – The Urban Bestiary: Encountering the Everyday Wild by Lyanda Lynn Haupt. 
  • March  – Rising From the Plains, by John McPhee. 
  • February – Mother Nature is Trying to Kill You: A Lively Tour Through the Dark Side of the Natural World, by Dan Riskin Ph.D.
  • January – All the Wild That Remains Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner and the American West,  by David Gessner.
  • January – The Animal Dialogues, by Craig Childs
  • February – The Big Thirst: The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water, by Charles Fishman
  • March – The End of Plenty: The Race to Feed a Crowded World, by Joel K. Bourne, Jr.
  • April – The One Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming by Masanobu Fukuoka.
  • May – House of Rain: Tracking a Vanished Civilization Across the American Southwest, by Craig Childs
  • June – The New Wild by Fred Pearce
  • July – Song of the Alpine, by Joyce Gelhorn
  • August – Marking the Sparrow’s Fall: The Making of the American West, fifteen essays by Wallace Stegner
  • September – The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman
  • October – Underground: How Creatures of Mud and Dirt Shape our World by Yvonne Baskin
  • November – The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and its Peoples, by Tim Flannery
  • December – The Log from the Sea of Cortez, by John Steinbeck
  • February – Silent Spring by Rachel Carlson
  • March – Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants, by Jane Goodall
  • April – The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert
  • May – The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
  • June – Anthill, by E. O. Wilson
  • July – The Invisible History of the Human Race, by Christine Kenneally
  • August – Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment and the Human Prospect, by David W. Orr
  • September – Cities in the Wilderness: A New Vision of Land Use in America , by Bruce Babbitt
  • October – Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout by Phillip Connors
  • November – Sweetness and Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee, by Hattie Ellis
  • December – Winter World: The Ingenuity of Animal Survival, by Bernd Heinrich
  • June  – Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins
  • July – A Sand County Almanac, by Aldo Leopold
  • August – Moby Duck, by Donovan Hohn
  • September – Triumph of the City:  How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier, by Edward Glaeser
  • October – Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Release 2.0 by Thomas L. Friedman (November 2009)
  • November – Confessions of a Radical Industrialist: Profits, People, Purpose–Doing Business by Respecting the Earth by Ray Anderson
  • December – Desert Wife by Hilda Faunce

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Garna Greater Arkansas River Nature Association - Education, stewardship, volunteering Salida - Plants alonside the riverbank
Gone to Seed by Kari Vanderburg
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