GARNA’s Youth Ecological Literacy Program (YELP) brings teachers, natural resource agency representatives, and volunteers together to provide science-based activities through school field trips, internships, enrichment programs, and summer camps.  The goal is to provide students hands-on opportunities in nature to feel, see, investigate, and connect with the environmental science topics covered in their classrooms.  Each program is tailored by the classroom teachers and GARNA staff to provide valuable learning opportunities for students.

In 2018, YELP impacted over 1,300 students!  Students measured stream health, investigated forest health, explored habitat and ecosystems of wildlife, etc.  Read more about great past field trips on our news page.

2019 Spring Field Work and Service Days

Interested in having GARNA facilitate field work for you classroom?  Let’s start the conversation!  Currently, GARNA staff work with teachers and school districts to write grants and seek local support, keeping programs at no cost to the student.

3rd graders learn from a CO Parks & Wildlife instructor
3rd graders learn from a CO Parks & Wildlife instructor
6th graders work on a trail restoration project
6th graders work on a trail restoration project
10th graders experience multi-use examples from BLM instructors
10th graders experience multi-use examples from BLM instructors






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