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GARNA Youth Program Seeks Volunteers!

Photo Credit: Randy Schwitzer

GARNA Youth Ecological Literacy Program (YELP) Days and Ways to Volunteer!
Spring 2024 Edition

We love (and need to!) incorporate community volunteers into our school-based youth programs.

Date/Time/Location Program Student Age  
School-based Field Work and Experiences
Tuesday, March 12th  Wednesday, March 13th 

Fooses Creek

(Location May Change)

9:45am –  2:00pm


7th Grade Archery & Snowshoe Program 7th Grade 

12-13 Years Old


For our all day field trips, we need MANY volunteers to help and/or lead stations, be the photographer for the day, and rotate with classes as a chaperone through their stations.


Station topics include – birding and fishing, river insects, watershed health, geology, compass and GPS orienteering, native and nonnative species,  Ute culture, forestry, and sustainability.


You don’t have to be an expert to help with a topic that interests you!

Thursday, May 9th 

O’Haver Lake Campground

8:20am – 2:30pm


3rd Grade Field trip 3rd Grade 

8-9 Years Old

Monday, May 20th 

Tuesday, May 21st

Ruby Mountain Campground

10:00am – 2:00pm


4th Grade Schools & Outdoor Learning Environments (SOLE) Field Trip 4th Grade 

9-10 Years Old

To volunteer or for more information – contact Bianka Isabella Martinez at

** Note: GARNA requires a background check for all youth volunteers.

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