
By facilitating many educational and service programs and projects, GARNA connects both adults and youth with the valley’s natural resources to foster sustainable use of public lands and respectful recreation. GARNA serves the community by acting as a bridge between our busy 21st century lives and the natural wonder of our unique “place”.


Public Programs

From animal tracking methods to wildflower identification hikes, geology tours to exploring ancient game trails, GARNA sponsors seminars, presentations, fieldtrips and study programs that celebrate the rich natural and deep cultural and historical resources of the greater Arkansas River area.

Youth Ecological Literacy

GARNA’s youth program provides science-based, experiential activities and education through school field trips, internships, enrichment programs, and summer camps.

Ski with a Naturalist

GARNA partners every winter with the US Forest Service Salida Ranger District and Monarch Mountain to offer free, on-hill, weekly naturalist tours.

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