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GARNA and AHRA Launch Volunteer Education Series

Photo Credit: Randy Schwitzer

The series is sold out – please email Jessica ( to get on the wait list! 

The Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA)  in partnership with the Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area (AHRA) announces a free 4-part educational series to equip and train volunteers to help steward the public lands of the Upper Arkansas Valley. Participants will learn about a different topic each week, how to interpret that topic and educate others and about  volunteer opportunities related to each week’s topic.

The series also partners with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Royal George Region and United States Forest Service (USFS) – Salida Ranger District, as well as individual educators.

Participants can sign up for one or all four training events. The series will culminate in the AHRA-sponsored season kick off event on Saturday, May 13th, where volunteers who complete the whole series will be honored with fabulous prizes

All events meet at the AHRA Visitor Center at 307 W. Sackett in Salida at 9am. If a field trip is part of the training, transportation is provided.
Saturday, March 25
Topic: Ornithology with Dave McNitt from the BLM. Participants will learn about public land management agencies, birding and bird habitat on public lands, and volunteer opportunities such as Nestbox Monitoring and Pinyon Jay Monitoring programs.

Friday, April 7
Topic: Stream Ecology with Alex Townsend from CPW.  Participants will learn about the fisheries of the Upper Arkansas Valley, and participate in a fish-shocking activity with CPW staff, plus opportunities to volunteer for Collegiate Peaks Trout Unlimited’s Stream Ecology programs.

Friday, April 14
Topic: Wildlife with Jeni Windorski with USFS who will talk about bats! Plus, Alex Jouney, the Boreal Toad specialist at CPW, will discuss Toads. Opportunities to volunteer as Boreal Toad monitoring. Opportunities to volunteer as Boreal Toad monitoring.

Saturday, April 29
Topic: Geology with Dr. James McCalpin, president of GEO-HAZ Consulting in Crestone. Participants will learn about the local geological features through maps and a short field trip, and volunteer opportunities about the Chaffee Rec Adopters and stewarding public lands.


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Photo Credit: William Helms

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