Photo Credit: Randy Schwitzer

GARNA’s Youth Ecological Literacy Program had a great fall season full of field work and fun. This semester, YELP was able to reach ~271 students, grades 3-12,  through school based, curriculum-enhancing field trips and field work.

To highlight some of the activities and lessons that made up these programs, here are just a few things students experienced:

Learning about compasses through an orienteering scavenger hunt, setting up vegetation plots to enhance an in-depth study on Lynx and Snowshoe Hare populations, embarking on a challenging yet rewarding hike to learn about effects of erosion, making and viewing small and large scale watershed models including a life-size model of the trans-mountain diversion tunnels, broadening their knowledge about public lands at Browns Canyon National Monument, viewing and learning about bat physiology, discussing relevant ecological and forestry topics (such as the Decker Fire), experiencing various life zones in our region, trying their hands at fishing on a cold, windy day at Mt. Ouray State Wildlife Area, and tracking many way-points using GPS units — just to name a few!

A special thanks to the classroom teachers and all of our wonderful partners and volunteers to making these programs possible:

  • Bureau of Land Management: Justin Abeles, Joe Jamison, Jacob Sanchez, Mercedes Siegle-Gaither, Jordan McMahon, Matt Rustand
  • Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Sean Shepherd
  • Alpine Achievers Initiative: Liz Hahn
  • Society of American Foresters: Molly Pitts
  • Trout Unlimited: Eric Heltzel, Keith Krebs
  • Friends of Browns Canyon: Logan Meyers
  • GARNA + Community Members: Becky Harman, Doug Kane, Claire Mechtly
  • Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area: Bob Hickey, Linda Julia


As the leaves fall from the aspen trees and winter weather swoops in, be sure to stay up-to date with the many on-going and upcoming Youth Programs!

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