Garna Greater Arkansas River Nature Association - Education, stewardship, river ecosystem volunteering - garna logo

Youth Volunteering Opportunities!

Photo Credit: Randy Schwitzer

Are you looking for a way to give back this spring? We’re looking for volunteers to work with our Youth Ecological Literacy Program (YELP) for school-based field work & experiences and the Stream Explorers program. Duties can include leading stations, helping rotate kids through stations, taking photos, etc. Station topics include – birding and fishing, river insects, watershed health, native and nonnative species, railroad history, Ute culture, forestry, and sustainability.
You don’t have to be an expert to help with a topic that interests you!

May 8th & 9th – 4th graders at Ruby Mountain. Topics are Ecology & Stewardship
May 11 – 3rd graders at O’Haver. Topic is Our public lands and life cycles
May 18 – 6th Graders learning about Geology and Earth Sciences
May 23 & 24th – 6th Graders learning about Forest Density in Fourmile

Fridays in August & September – Stream Explorers

Contact Bianka at for more info and to sign up as a volunteer!

Flier with full details

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